Herman has worked as a Timber feller
for 30 years. For the last several years he has worked as a consultant
for the US Forest Service, Oregon Department of Forestry as well as other
agencies and private contractors. Herman is approved in the “C” certification
program by the US Forest Service. He can help provide guidance and training
with agencies or private companies chain saw programs. We can provide
chainsaw safety classes to help meet OSHA requirements.
Fire Fighting
HB Company Inc. Wildland Fire Division
has been providing a forest fire suppression service to government agencies
for over 25 years. We provide wildfire crews, dozers and other heavy equipment
as well as wildland engines. The company also uses its human resources,
trained in wildland fire suppression, to make up a 10 person initial attack
hand crew. We can provide fellers who are experienced in felling of fire
weakened trees.